
Riddles are Mandatory for Youth



Riddles aren’t just for fun; time pass or just to impress your friends or looking super smart at a party or among friends or colleagues. Riddles are simply a phrase, question or a statement with a double or veiled meaning to serve as a word puzzle. Riddles are not only beneficial for young children for developing their mind but it is beneficial every age group.

Riddling is popularly known as “Universal Art”. Most popular countries having highest riddles are Philippines, Netherland, Russia, China, Hungary, and Finland. Even the ancient and medical cultures had riddles too. Riddles work as a memory Enhancer.

Riddles are not a new concept it has been there for a long time ago even in the ancient and medieval period. Babylon, according to the Today’s record Babylon riddles are the oldest riddles of all times. Babylon riddles sound enigmatic and it is passed from one generation to another generation verbally.

Example code of Hammurabi

Sanskrit was the first ancient poetic and complex riddles survive in the Sanskrit Rigveda. Rigveda book can be understood to comprise a series of riddles or enigmas.

Type of Riddles

The most common types of riddles used are based on Two types a) Enigma Riddles and b) Conundrum Riddles.

Enigma Riddles

Enigma Riddles are basically a mysterious, difficult problem or Synonym paradox. Popularly known as puzzles, unsolved problems/ questions, a closed book or brain teaser.  Enigma riddles help young children to improve their thinking or imagining power, grow their observation power.

Enigma riddles improve vocabulary as well as help to prepare for the advanced test.

Conundrum Riddles

Conundrum Riddles are basically confusing, solving difficult problem/ question which keeps a person in dilemma. A riddle whose answer or involves a wordplay or unexpected twist.

Benefits of Riddles for all age group


  • Improves parent and child bonding

Riddles are fun to play along with your children it helps to build a strong bond between parents and their children. It improves the level of understanding between parents and their children as well as build self- assurance.

  • Improves children vocabulary

Riddles helps to improve vocabulary of the children as well as encourage them to ask about the words or meaning of words they don’t know or cannot understand yet. One can add creative way with more advanced words.

  • Opportunity to teach

Riddles are an endless chain. It helps children to develop their memory.

  • Comprehension

As we all know a young age kid can read but cannot fully understand context. So, Riddles improves learning power and helps them to understand the whole context. After all, with a great understanding comes great comprehension.

  • Help in building confidence

Riddles helps build confidence among children. They can ask the riddles know then or can remember easy riddles to the people they know; it helps them to build a good conversation with other people. By asking riddles they can make more friends too. If a child is shy, then it can also help the children to overcome their shyness.

  • Preparation for the advanced test

Solving riddles are an effective process for student’s preparation for the advanced test. As advanced text has logic reasoning and comprehension part it will make easy for the students to solve it.

It also improves the student critical thinking process and problem-solving skills.

  • Intellectual Humor

Playing with riddles improve a children taste in humor. One can creative riddles to the children. Riddles can entertain a child and get his brain working at the same time.


  • Memory Enhancer

Solving riddles helps to sharpen our minds. It helps to reinforce the ongoing connection between brain cells. It helps to improve your mental alertness by enhancing your thought process

  • Encourage Imagination

Imagination is the primary key to solving any puzzle, riddle or unsolved problem. One must recognize or observe the details and combine them together into the bigger picture. It triggers a person to work with logic and imagination.

  • Accelerated logic

Sometimes Riddles can be tough for adults too. It can open every vein of the human brain to think about the answer in all the angles. It gives you an opportunity to think outside the box.

  • Improve thought process

Riddles helps to improve one person thought process. Riddles are important for overall development of skills, memory, understanding and concentration power.

Old People

  • Improve memory

Riddles help old age people to cope up with their memory. As most of the people of age 65 or above experience mental illness or perhaps start forgetting things due to their age. Playing riddles can either slow down the effect of dementia or can avoid it too if solving riddles would be played on a continued on daily basis.

  • Improve mental health

Solving riddles helps old people who have poor memory to recognize as well as sharp their memory too. They can read word puzzles from time to time so, that they can remember the other people.

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