
10 Exercise that will make you Smarter in a week



We all work out hard at the gym but how often do we train or work out upon your brain. Well, yes one should exercise on their brain as well. Exercise, playing games, and even mediation can help you with that part. Try them in your daily routine to get a better result.

You will see the first result in a week and then it will get better if you opt to keep working upon it daily or make this your daily routine.

  • Enriching your vocabulary

A rich vocabulary is the sign of a smart person. Reading books is the obvious way to become smarter. However, most of the people don’t like to read books that are not the issues. There is a solution for it too. There is a one-minute exercise which will help you find new ways of saying or describing things.

Words like “Beautiful” or “Comfortable” are two easy words that you can use. Now here what exactly you have to do is to just look at yourself and start noticing the environment around you and describe the first object that caught your eye.

For example, a pencil is lying on your study table. Can you come up with 5 or 6 Different descriptions on it? Give yourself a task say of 2 minutes. Grab a pen and a notebook and write down 5 or 6 different lines on that item. Now test yourself. Do you find it hard to write few lines or not?

Now there is a catch in this exercise which is going to help you to make yourself smarter. What you do is just browse the synonyms of the words which you want to use and write down all the synonyms you require. Go back to this task and pick another object next to you. You will see that this task will get easy now. Every time you try it, this exercise will automatically enhance your vocabulary.

  • Visualizing

Now it’s time for some memory training. Can you quickly memorize the words you hear or see for only a few seconds or a minute? Obviously not, we won’t be able to mesmerize words quickly within 5 seconds or more. But if we put these words in a sentence or a short story then yes it will easily be memorized now.

  • Chunking

Another marvelous memory boosting exercising. How good are you at memorizing numbers? It’s ok if you are not good at memorizing the numbers. Your brain just handles the short term memory those things which are not important for you. This way brain will let them go really quick keep them no longer than 30 seconds only keeps maximum 5 items in there. You can train your short-term memory easily.

Suppose, there are few numbers written on a paper 5248756841 and you have to memorize those number in 5 seconds it will be difficult for to remember all the digits but if you spilled the number into the section. Now you can memorize it with 5 seconds.

How is work digit was 5248756841 spilled it into a section like this 524-875-6841. Keep chucking to boost your memory.

  • Memory Shortcuts

There are some pieces of information we would better remember for good. Such as important Historical moments, countries and their capitals name, President names etc.

Can you tell 10 historical Indian moments or Presidents name? Obviously, you will be able to tell few of the names but not every name.  What you can do is try to use “Mnemonic Devices”.

Mnemonic Devices is a memory technique to help your brain better encode and recall important information. It’s a simple shortcut that helps us associate the information we want to remember with an image, a sentence, or a word.

For example, Washington’s Army Jogged Many Miles And Jogged Very Hard To Philadelphia, To Find Pretty British Ladies. Make no sense right but if you look the above line carefully you will able to get every US President name. See the Bold letters Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams (Quincy), Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln.

  • Reaction Game

Time for some reaction exercise. You will see Different shapes appear around you. Now what is your task is to clap every time you see a circle or round object, start with slow easy sequences then go faster and faster.

Try to locate different object their size, color, and shape around you. Suppose, how many round objects you can locate around you? Practice makes it perfect, as you keep doing it on daily basis.

  • Pocket Reading

Here I am not talking about the small book to carry with you all the time. Have you ever tried Neurobic? Neurobics is term was middle by Doctor Katz, a profession of Neurobiology at Duke University Medical he knows at active all your sense one Exercise and it good for your brain. It is a set of exercises which are meant to stimulate different brain areas.

Put coins in your pocket without looking inside try to understand what coins they feel them, their size, texture, and edges now can tell you a lot and see if you guess it right. Now do this exercise on daily basis it will help to increase your observation power.

  • Inventing conversation

Another Neurobics exercise which is also a fun. Find short mute or silent video for yourself. For example, Charlie Chaplin silent video or any another video on YouTube or Google. Now your task is to improve and invent some lines for its characters. It will stimulate your brain and imagination.

  • Making predictions

It is also fun to predict things try to protect the outcomes of something which will be known in the next 24 hours. A sports game, some event at work, the ranking of your favorite band in the music chart, books of the book chart. It would be whatever. What is the point of it making a prediction is a great way of boosting your brain power?

Firstly, it takes some imagination to do it. Secondly, it will keep you intrigued and stimulate the reward system of the brain.

  • Play with riddles

Different kinds of riddles are of great help and it will make your mind spare. Example, there are 6 daughters in the family each of them has a brother. How many kids are in the family? This is an easy one find more of it.

  • Building focus  

Building focus is the impact to perform all the above exercise and task. So, you can become smarter. We all find it hard to concentrate at work, studies sometimes or the feeling of what your thoughts are going in all the wrong direction.

Let’s start with simple mediation trick all you have to do is to close your eyes and breath out 10 times without thinking of anything. Well, it’s all about developing your ability to focus and concentrate.

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